Recently, a lot of media organizations have been getting flack for creating these arbitrary ‘Top 100 Best Albums of All Time,’ lists.

The endeavour itself is fruitless and only serves as reactionary content to garner viewership from external sources in a failing revenue model. It’s impossible to contextualize the complexities of distinct time periods to create a fully encompassing list in that manner; genres / sub-genres simply have too much depth.

For us, we decided to create our essentials list, which is an index of many of our favourite albums.

There will be numerous “masterpiece” albums that are absent from this list - but again, it’s what resonates with us. By no means does that diminish their value.

We suggest listening to these projects with no external stimuli present aside from the music itself. Let the music guide your experience.

These tracks will garner all types of emotions within your psyche and, without a doubt, expand your worldview.

Enjoy :))

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